Actionable Options for Friday, January 24
The RT Options Scanner shows $AMD January 57 calls IV 81 up 8%, +15 strikes +1K contracts as shares
selloff 1% into the expected release of EPS on Jan 28
The RT Options Scanner can be configured to provide a lot of data by adding columns that show change, etc. for each strike
Advanced Options: $LK IV Index call at 155 compared to 52-week range 41 to 155, +15 strikes +200 contracts as shares sell off 8%
amid spread of China coronavirus.
Advanced Options: $DIS IV Index call at 27 compared to 52-week range 15 to 31, +8 strikes +1K contracts amid Shanghai Disney
Resort was closed until further notice to help China stop the spread of a flu-like virus
Calls with increasing volatility movement and volume: APT LAKE DIS
Puts with increasing volatility movement and volume: MLCO SYF JNPR