Actionable Options for Tuesday, November 19
The RT Options Scanner shows $TGT November 121 call IV 89 up 14%, 12 strikes +150 contracts into EPS and outlook
The RT Options Scanner can be configured to provide a lot of data by adding columns that show change, etc. for each strike
Advanced Options: $M 30 days IV call 71.4 +4.1%, puts 60.3 +3.1%, +18 strikes +100 contracts into EPS and outlook
Advanced Options: $JWN 30 days IV call 60.70 +1.5%, puts 60.74 +1.2% +20 strikes +20 contracts into EPS and forecast
Calls with increasing volatility movement and volume: TLRY CRSP DHR
Puts with increasing volatility movement and volume: W JWN CLVS