Actionable Options for Thursday, July 11
The RT Options Scanner shows $AGN July 57 call IV +2% to 56, +7 strikes +10 contracts after $ABBV recent bid
The RT Options Scanner can be configured to provide a lot of data by adding columns that show change, etc. for each strike
Advanced Options: $OSTK 30 days IV call 137 -4%, puts 137 -4%, +15 strikes +100 contracts as shares sell off 4.5%
Advanced Options: $S 30 days IV call 74.2 +18.50, puts 74.6 +18.7%, +8 strikes +100 contracts after WSJ reports T-Mobile
$TMUS, Sprint negotiations slow over Dish $DISH ownership
Calls with increasing volatility movement and volume: CAR BOOM ETRN
Puts with increasing volatility movement and volume: S PFF GDI